The present policies of privacy apply to H& L Group S.L.
If you as visitor you choose to register itself or decides to provide its information to this site, it is understood that it accepts the use of that information in agreement with these policies of privacy.
If it has some question related to these policies of privacy or considers that its request has not been solved, please directs to its question to the services of the administrator of the site using the connection of Contact.
The personal information will be only used for limited intentions, for example, when the visitor registers itself in the site to have access to a privileged content or later requires some information about the interest areas, such as specific publications. We probably will use the provided information to create a personal profile with the purpose of granting answers to their cuestionamientos of more efficient way. Also, we will use the information to personalize the unfolding of the site when he visits the user. When you decide to register yourself in line for an event that is sponsored, we will use the information that it has provided to respond to us to him. Additionally, the administrator of the site will be able, if it is necessary, to use the information to make tasks related to the site.
H & L Group LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY will make sure that their services of promotion fulfill the applicable laws and implement the procedures to obtain the necessary consent before an electronic mail with the services offered by H&L is sent to them to our visitors. At any time you will be able to solicit that no longer to him she continues herself sending that information.
Collection of data
The visitors are not forced to provide personal information to use the site. The site collects that personal solely that it serves to identify the user, this information will be provided by the visitor.
H & L Group it does not ask for sensible information of the visitors generally, entiéndase by this one: data related to the race or the ethnic origin, religious beliefs, criminal records, physical or mental health or sexual direction. In case that we require sensible information, the consent of the visitor will be asked for to collect and to use that information.
Data to third
Although we will provide information of our visitors to the suppliers of services that control the information in our representation generally we will not share that information with third u other organizations for secondary intentions or any other unless another person reveals that information at the time of obtaining it.
When it is considered necessary, the personal information could be revealed in case that therefore it indicates some law to it, to any authority or third that needs it to fulfill some obligation or legal request.
Access to the information
It is our obligation to provide reasonable access to the visitors who wish to review their proportionate personal information when registering itself in our site and to correct any inaccuracy. The visitors who need some copy their information will have to contact to the administrator of the site using the connection of Contact. In all the cases we will deal with the requests access or change of information in agreement with the applicable legal requirements.
Security of the information
H & L Group LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY have implemented standard commercial reasonable of technology and operational security to protect all the information provided by our visitors in the case of loss, badly use, alteration or destruction.
Changes to our policy of privacy
H & L Group LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY the right is reserved to at any time modify or to add these policies of privacy and by any cause. Nothing of contained here creates or tries to create a contract or agreement between H & L Group LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY and anyone of the users who visit or who grant information that identifies them anyway.
Protection of the privacy of the minors
H & L Group LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY understand the importance in line of protecting the privacy of the minors in the world. This site, regulated by this policy of security, is not designed nor intentionally is directed to minors. It is not our policy to collect or to maintain information of minors.
Questions of our visitors
If you have any question or commentary in relation to the privacy policies while she uses east site, please to go to the administrator of the services of the site, using in connection Contact.


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